Namely, my own. At least twice. In training.
I also managed to get the client on-line last night, but couldn't join any of the COOP games, they were either locked or using the expansion. (Dang those server locking bastards! Some people, I swear!)
I did manage to get in on a TKOTH for about 15 minutes, just to get a feel for the server's ability to keep up with the veritable plane, truck and boatloads of people. NovaLogic has done a pretty decent job, from what I've seen so far, of providing a very zippy protocol. I never once felt like I was lagged. I felt lost... but that's different.
I have also found... the magic port number for the firewall so I could start a server. I'll be looking into this a bit more in the next 10 days.
Re:I have drawn first blood...
Curious...I dont have the expansion yet and I have no problem joining COOP games. In fact...I have my pick from servers where there is no people in them ( which I happen to like cuz I can go at my own stealthy pace ) to servers where there are 30 peeps in which is total chaos for the most part.
Cant wait for you to get up to speed dood...we are gonna have a blast!!
Just to bring it up again, cuz it really hasnt been talked about...but since these ai are real mofo's communication is paramount. If you havent doen it the TeamSpeak client makes the game so much more enjoyable!
Re:I have drawn first blood...
Weird. I'll have to get the message again and write it down. Maybe you've seen it before and know what it really means. Or, maybe I have the wrong game but that's doubtful
I'll see if I can't dig up TeamSpeak. This week may be a bit rough but after next week I might get some time for some seasoned veteran to show me how the game is played
I've done most of the training missions "successfully." Got rockets, bullets and grenades shoved up me backside in TKOTH tho
I wonder how many of us there are that would be interested in "meeting up" for a first coop?
Re:I have drawn first blood...
For anyone who has this game......
The most realistic training environment I can recommend before you unleash your mad skills on other servers is to play the last two training maps. One of them allows you to practise your defensive skills, the other your offensive skills.
The AI in these maps are as nasty and numerous as they are in the online servers....and you can die as many times as you like without another player calling you a noob. Trust me....when you are facing an angry islander with an AT4 and an unlimited supply of rockets that has a rate of fire akin to a SAW, your gonna need to practice your stealth approach. And the AI aim to kill....they are so accurate, Ive been killed by an AT4 rocket that was aimed at my head because the rocket penetrated my head...only to see it blow up 100 meters away on impact with the building behind me. Apparantly these guys just arent happy with explosion proximity kills. much anger...damn that rap music.
Re:I have drawn first blood...
The most realistic training environment I can recommend before you unleash your mad skills on other servers is to play the last two training maps. One of them allows you to practise your defensive skills, the other your offensive skills.
... Apparantly these guys just arent happy with explosion proximity kills. much anger...damn that rap music.
Yes, those last two maps are hell. Finally managed to capture the bunker by driving one of the amphibious assault vehicles into the village, and hopping out before they blew it up. This worked well, I was able to team up with one of the other vehicles that I am never fast enough to hop on. The AI's shredded both crews, but there were two of us left at the end, and none of them in close proximity. That enemy helo had me worried, but we managed to secure the bunker. The good guy AI was very nice, I covered his six and he cleared the path then stood watch outside while I secured the bunker by pumping it full of 'nades. Another neat thing about the amphibious vehicle: my gunner never failed to take out the enemy boat. Twice. Each run. If I'd let him, I bet he would have taken down the helo, too.
I don't know exactly how the respawning works for the enemy on that map, but it seems like the helos, BMP's and boats respawn, carrying fresh troops around the island. So, it's very hard to clear the island. I gave up that approach and concentrated on the bunker.
Still, loads of fun watching all the neat ways you can die in that scenario. There were three of us in an inflatable when the somebody hit us with some sort of explosive round. I got to watch what was left of me fly up and fall back down straight to Davy Jones' locker. Very nice...