This game came packaged with my new Vid Card so I took it for a spin this weekend. Single Player missions are pretty decent, sort of like the Rainbow Six version of combat reality. Very realistic sound effects, and projectile damage. Game engine and physics are awesome. Only downside to the single player missions is that they are mission oriented with no options to save game....and you know what that means....if you finish 99% of the mission and a stray bullet nicks a friendly....all the way back to the start.
Multiplayer is DM only, although they have many variations on a theme. Ive been having a blast with TDM. Red and Blue teams are pitted against eachother and the goal is to take over and keep what they call progressive spawn points for your color. The progressive spawn points are sort of a cool idea because if you can take over a psp close to your enemies home spawn and keep it open, you allow your team mates to spawn in there instead of miles away. With a few of the maps, you have to jump on a black hawk helo to drop into your enemy teams home area.
Lots of can play as several charector classes including a medic where you run around and revive your fallen team mates. Maps are absolutely HUGE and very intricate....sniping from rooftops is a blast.
If anyone has this game, id love to hook up in a TDM server and do some damage together. I play as VoodooGorf ( gorf was already taken )
Re: Delta Force : Black Hawk Down
That sounds kind of cool. Can you shoot down the helos?
Re: Delta Force : Black Hawk Down
This game came packaged with my new Vid Card so I took it for a spin this weekend. Single Player missions are pretty decent, sort of like the Rainbow Six version of combat reality. Very realistic sound effects, and projectile damage. Game engine and physics are awesome. Only downside to the single player missions is that they are mission oriented with no options to save game....and you know what that means....if you finish 99% of the mission and a stray bullet nicks a friendly....all the way back to the start.
Multiplayer is DM only, although they have many variations on a theme. Ive been having a blast with TDM. Red and Blue teams are pitted against eachother and the goal is to take over and keep what they call progressive spawn points for your color. The progressive spawn points are sort of a cool idea because if you can take over a psp close to your enemies home spawn and keep it open, you allow your team mates to spawn in there instead of miles away. With a few of the maps, you have to jump on a black hawk helo to drop into your enemy teams home area.
Lots of can play as several charector classes including a medic where you run around and revive your fallen team mates. Maps are absolutely HUGE and very intricate....sniping from rooftops is a blast.
If anyone has this game, id love to hook up in a TDM server and do some damage together. I play as VoodooGorf ( gorf was already taken
You mean theres actually another gorf out there on another game?????
Sounds like a fun game. I play medic in enemy territory, so that would be a breeze for me.
Re:Delta Force : Black Hawk Down
Helo's cant shoot them out of the sky...but you CAN shoot and kill the players hitching a ride / shooting at you with a pair of mounted mini guns that fire HUGE guage ammo at an alarming rate of fire. When you fire these guns, it almost sounds like they are burping.
Gorf Clones
I know...hard to believe gorf was taken especially when you think that gorf is actually part of my damn name. There used to be a GORF video game from the 80's that was a a hybrid of several games. Something like Defender, Space Invaders and Missle Command or sumpin...oh hell....why dont I use google like Im aposed ta
or course...there are OTHER gorfs as well...go figure. Ill be damned..the guys last name is actually gorf