"This petition was removed because the author did not provide a full valid name. Anonymous petitions are not permitted. Authors are given three days to respond with their name before a petition is removed. If you are the author of this petition reply to the email we sent you with your full name"
If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be for getting them to improve the quality of service on their global nolf server and to get them to commit to keep the servers running, and maybe add official support for what we've done here at Voodoo, and fix the issues so we really could play the whole game in COOP with fewer crashes.
Re: NOLF2 Petition
you know you wanna sign it...
Went to sign Petition but got this message:
"This petition was removed because the author did not provide a full valid name. Anonymous petitions are not permitted. Authors are given three days to respond with their name before a petition is removed. If you are the author of this petition reply to the email we sent you with your full name"
i still dont get what it is for.......
Re: uhhhhh
If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be for getting them to improve the quality of service on their global nolf server and to get them to commit to keep the servers running, and maybe add official support for what we've done here at Voodoo, and fix the issues so we really could play the whole game in COOP with fewer crashes.
But I could be way off....