Foo Fighter plays Santa

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Re:Foo Fighter plays Santa

Hmm. The really odd part is, from my perspective, that's not actually where I was stuck. I was really stuck by the wood log near the window. Never did I know that I was inside the fireplace the whole time. Shocked

Re:Foo Fighter plays Santa


Dood! Been there...done the T-Shirt. Cept I was stuck in the chimney.

Its the fireplace from |-|3|_|_ I tell ya! If freddy Krooger were a fireplace, he would be this one.

Re:Foo Fighter plays Santa

Its all part of the illusion.....Freddy the Fireplace makes you THINK you are outside the fireplace....just navigationally challanged. B4 ya knows it, you are a 3 poound pile of carbon based powder. Sort of like a Lag Kill.....youre off in a corner jumping and exploring because your waiting for the lag to subside....and BAM....your dead....underneath the foot of some Supersoldier who is mercilessly humping your dead body.

Re:Foo Fighter plays Santa

dont burn your A$$ Twisted Evil

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