Goodman's Attic

Here is DeadMeat, searching the attic for clues. How he got here, I don't know. I've seen Foo Fighter do it, but I need more practice.

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Goodman's Attic

Id like to know how to get up to the attic,so how do you?

Re: Goodman's Attic

Id like to know how to get up to the attic,so how do you?

It was either the Anti Grave Boots I gave him for Christmas, or the worls most luckiest jump. Im betting on the latter because I got the boots from a Star Trek convention, and the Turbo Geek I bought them from didnt know that they take 3 dilythium crystals in EACH BOOT...not for the pair. Rolling Eyes

Re:Goodman's Attic

Damn, ive tried so many friggin times to get up there, but so far, no luck. Wink

Skill, skill and more skill!!!!

Truth be told, I started in the room with a bed or table closest to the attic hole. Then jump and crouch at the last second. With the jump set high and a hell of a lot of luck, YOU'RE IN!
Have tried this a few times after I had a witness to record my luck, but have not been able to do it again.


Re:Goodman's Attic

Well fellow nolfers, we have just seen REAL LUCK haven't we?

Re:Goodman's Attic

Nova wrote:
Well fellow nolfers, we have just seen REAL LUCK haven't we?

I've been able to do this a few times. Hard part is getting that jump-crouch just right. If jump is normal its impossible, and if jump is too high it's really difficult.

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