Welcome to Voodoo ---READ ME SECOND---


This is the home of the Voodoohq.net COOP servers for No One Lives Forever 2 and Contract Jack. I suppose its also a bit of a fan site.

You may have noticed our servers require a password... We have found that this forces most people to come here and register to get the password. This, in turn, gives everyone an opportunity to read our rules first, and the end result is fewer misunderstandings about what we allow.

Even though the server requires a password, anyone can join us in game here at Voodoohq, as long as you are willing to follow the rules, and the process is pretty easy:

1) Read the rules
2) Register for the forum (see the Register link at the top of this page)
3) Get the server Password from the "Voodoo" Forum (not visible until you register)
4) We recommend that you introduce yourself in the "Ding Dong Voodoo Calling" thread. Especially if you share your broadband connection with another player.
5) Follow the rules and join us on the game server.

Please note: we have recently had a lot of abuse from people using some of the more popular "disposable" e-mail account providers. These include yahoo, hotmail, burntmail, and maybe others. If you can't get registered with your mail account, please try another account first (it might be much quicker) and then if you still have trouble, mail us and we'll do our best to try to come to some resolution. (voodoo@rootaction.net)

Welcome to Voodoo... happy NOLFing...

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how do i get the password? I have registered but i can not find the password for the game!

Re: password

Cez wrote:
how do i get the password? I have registered but i can not find the password for the game!

The password is always available on this thread



[edited by f00 2006/04/05 to update the URL for the new system]

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