OSHA violations at Voodoo HQ

Voodoo HQ was recently fined for several major OSHA violations, including defective wheelchair ramps, which caused the tragic death of Dimitri Volkov....

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Re:OSHA violations at Voodoo HQ

Midgets riding on front of snowmobiles is NOT ALLOWED. Safety first, people!!!

Re:OSHA violations at Voodoo HQ

Mimes stuck in ceiling due to the careless level editing by admins. Shameful...

Re:OSHA violations at Voodoo HQ

Players wearing the same skin as level boss resulted in unnecessary injury...and dismemberment.

Re:OSHA violations at Voodoo HQ

Players killing themselves to appear in cutscenes. This activity MUST stop.

Re:OSHA violations at Voodoo HQ


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