3D Image from Siberia, not Mars!!

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That'd be awesome I want some 3d glasses Sad

Re:3D Image from Siberia, not Mars!!

LOL...go out and buy a copy of SpyKids 3D. Im sure it comes with a pair. It will be the most expensive pair of paper and acetate things youve ever purchased. The movie itself is worthless Surprised

3D glasses FREE (almost): cost $0.74 + 2 envelopes.

There is a web-site http://www.pulltime3d.com/ that offers anaglyph 3-D glasses almost FREE. It will cost 2 stamps and 2 envelopes.

I found this site a few years ago, but they are still up and running. While the glasses I have didn't come from them they work with their images, so it may be worth the cost.

The only good, active enemy is one Rolling In Peat.

If you have seen the image, please let me know how in the @#$ you did it. A week ago I could click on the image name, and get a viewer to pop up. Now there is no link (or hyper-link) so I can't view any images in the Gallery. HELP, please!
Signed: The Mushroom (DM's alter-ego).

Re:3D Image from Siberia, not Mars!!

Deadmeat! That was great!!!!

I found some old 3D Glasses that I got for attending a 3D film festival, and I was able to see the tree stand out!!! Smile

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