Awful Knawful

Cainan forgot to press the NOX button before he hit the ramp. Look out belowwwwwwwwwww

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Re: Awful Knawful

gorf wrote:
Cainan forgot to press the NOX button before he hit the ramp. Look out belowwwwwwwwwww

Thats a Very Happy GREAT Very Happy shot Gorf!!!

This is how my pic turned out. Notice the lack of snow mobile? Laughing

Re:Awful Knawful

who what happened there

Re:Awful Knawful


OMG...that is HILLarious!! God love the code in this game.

BTW...I didnt notice you in my pic b4, but now that I have your perspective, I can triangulate...and I see you up on the bridge now.

Re:Awful Knawful

gorf wrote:

OMG...that is HILLarious!! God love the code in this game.

BTW...I didnt notice you in my pic b4, but now that I have your perspective, I can triangulate...and I see you up on the bridge now.

Laughing Now thats funny Laughing

We had the goal of taking similar pics, but look how different they turned out!

And I can see me in yours!!! Laughing

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